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Re: "Controls" on locking G/L accounts


Thank you for ext, will start working on that to see if the desire control can be achieved.

SAP GUI Patch 8 comdlg32.ocx and comctl32.ocx registration paths


I just updated my SAP GUI for Windows 7.30 core patch 7 to core patch 8 on my 64-bit Windows 7 OS and noticed the following:



GUI Installation Check.jpeg


The files never did exist under system32 but apparently patch 8 changed this some how.  There is not an option to select the path when applying the patch.  All three error's went away after I ran regsvr32 on each file in the proper directory.  For my installation that was C:\Windows\SysWOW64.  Not sure if this is a bug with patch 8.




Dan Mead

Re: Moving Office Analysis reports from Quatily to Production enviornment.


Yes. Fill out the promotion request form and mention the folder and report details, that way they will move only those selected reports mentioned in the form.

Re: Intrastat for France


VEFU' is the transaction to maintain table VEIAV , which is the basis for the file that you send to the authorities. VE37 transaction is actually report RVEXDAIF


And this report in my system has this line:


set a breakpoint there and see what it does when debugging


In case you system is not up to date, e.g. still an old 46c version, then have a look into OSS Note 339265 - Intrastat: Missing characteristics after aggregation

as it fixes a bug where the country of origin was not filled when you aggregate the items in your report instead of reporting individual cases.

Re: AS02 change of depreciation key during year


Thanks for help.


Best Regards


Re: Difference between PP and CO-PC





Further to add Ajay's reply PP its own will not determine the COST. As the name say Production Planning allow you to create BOM, routing, work center, plan orders, production order and confirmation etc.


To analyze manufacturing Cost you need COPC with PP.




Re: Cannot start SIA in BI4.1 while configuring SSO


yep, logon as service, logon as batch job and act as part of operating system.


im completely stumped.   I performed this no issues in 3.1 on 2008 server.   I have yet to hear if anyone has done this explicitly on 2012 server with 4.1 SP2.


thanks for all input

Re: BICS dashboard randomly shows data


Hi Shengjun,


What is the implication of disabling the cache function  ? (Currently it is enabled in our server)


Have you faced similar issue in past, and was it resolved by disabling the cache function?


So far we have identified ,the behavior was caused due to Network Connection.




Programa RFFOBR_U (arquivo de pgto Banco Itaú) - Segmento C


Olá Pessoal !


Estou precisando de uma ajuda. Aqui na Empresa os arquivos de pgto que são enviados para o banco Itaú possuem apenas os registros/segmentos: HEADER, segmento A e segmento B. Porém precisaremos enviar também o Segmento C, que é um detalhamento dos documentos que serão enviados para pagto.


O fato é que tudo me leva a acreditar que o programa Standard (RFFOBR_U) não contempla o segmento C, então gostaria de saber como vcs, que também precisam informar esse Segmento, fizeram para gerar a informação no arquivo magnético.


PS.: Já procurei por alguma SAP Note, a fim de verificar se não existe alguma correção/implementação para essa questão, porém não encontrei nada que pudesse me ajudar.




Flavio Petronieri

GRC AC 10.0: PFCG Authorisation Sync Fail


Hello everyone,


We have GRC AC 10.0 installed with ECC 6.0 backend (SAP_BASIS 731  008 SAPKB73108).


I have an error as follows:


The RFC connector has been created and tested, with the connection working, but there may still a problem.


I am trying to Sync the PFCG master data from the ECC back end system to the GRC box using the TCode: GRAC_AUTH_SYNC and I get the following error:


Unable to locate connector DE0CLNT100

PFCG authorization sync failed with errors


1. I have performed all post instalation activities

2. I have created a connector (communication with satellite system works)

3. Maintain Connectors and Connection Types -

  • Defined Connectors (connector appears in bd54 and has the same name used in sm59)
  • Defined Connector Groups - created a new group of drill into the existing group to "Assign Connectors to Connector Groups" to addede the SAP system connector as a target connector

4. Maintain Connection Settings

    • For the four scenarios: AUTH, PROV, ROLMG and PROV for the connector have been added to the "Scenario-Connector Link" (In table GRFNCONNSCNLK the four integration scenarios are linked to the above connector)


    Note: table GRACCONNSTAT has no entries.


    I have already read the disscussion posted by Paul Matthews (, he had the same problem and it seems it was solved but the answer was not posted in the discussion. Could you help me please? Thank you in advance.

    Re: F.97, F.98 and F.99 issue


    Was hoping this was answered but we're having the same issue including CXCX. I don't imagine many people use the old FI report trees these days as they were moved away from in favor of Area Menus but it would be nice if we could get them working again nonetheless.

    Re: Modification of Web Intelligence Sample Reports


    Both of these responses should be enough to resolve normal issues around migrating one similar universe to another. My ambition is to migrate the sample WebI to a completely different universe, different field names, etc. I'm hoping there is a tool to do some of the heavy lifting and instructions on changing and adding a few field names.

    Perhaps a more reasonable expectation would be access to the instructions followed to produce this sample.

    Re: How to do Handshake with tired party(bank) HTTPS URL from SAP PI server


    Hi Farhan,


    Some part of the blog is applicable for sending HTTPS request to partners/third party (Receiver SOAP Adapter).

    If banks certificates are already in trustedCA, then,  can you check if it also imported under user PIISuser under Identity management in NWA. If above 2 steps are done then i think your are good to go. But be careful when you install certificate, it should be in proper order.


    As you already mentioned, connectivity is already established and you are able to PIng/telnet from pi server, connectivity looks ok.


    While sending request, if you are getting 401 unauthorized, below might be the reason -

    1. Certificate not installed correctly or some missing steps

    2. Partner or TP is not ready to receive it, some certificate issue in there side.


    other than 401 means you are ok (As per certificate and Connectivity) - 403 and 500 errors are next stops.

    403 - error because of encoding method.

    500 - data issue.


    Aashish Sinha

    Re: LVM2.0 Standard Edition AS provisoning Enabling and Rename System


    Hi Adarsh


    I'm so thankful and really it 's what i have done. I opend CSS message.

    I will inform you with newer resolution suggestion.


    Best regards.

    Wael Nefzi

    Re: Is it possible to create double grn (material document) against a 103 mvt type (gr blocked stock) . how to restrict it in system.


    Yes Dev,


    System through the error msg in my quality client also.



    I got the error  from the user's production client . Let me to check the other parameters.





    Re: UPGRADE a SAP 9


    Te comento mis experiencias:


    1.- Hasta el sol de hoy, todas mis actualizaciones a versiones recientes las he echo de 0. Esto es que desinstalo todo y procuro borrar inclusive la carpeta SAP creada en la versión que estas abanonando. OJO- asegúrate de no dejar nada que te pueda servir para tu nueva versión como documentos exportados o algo parecido. Después de eso, instalo la versión a la que quiero migrar en su PL base y después aplico el UPGRADE.



    2.- Yo me encontraba hasta hace 2 semanas en el SAP 8.8 sp0 pl21, y lo migre a la versión 9 sp0 pl8 y estoy trabajando sin problemas.


    espero te sirva la info.

    Re: Nota fiscal rejeitada por campos 'pMVAST, pRedBCST, vBCST' vazios no processo de transferência de crédito de ICMS


    Allan, boa tarde!

    Obrigado pela sua resposta, mas, conforme venho conversando com o fiscal resposável do projeto, o cenário é esse mesmo.

    Seguem abaixo e em anexo as regras Fiscais para emissão da nota de transferência de crédito de ICMS:


    Orientação de Preenchimento NF-e:


    Transferência de crédito

    A nota fiscal eletrônica (NF-e) também será emitida nas hipóteses de transferências de crédito acumulado de ICMS em razão de exportação, diferimento ou redução da base de cálculo.

    De acordo com a legislação, há regras a serem observadas para a emissão da NF-e referente a essa transferência de crédito. Resumidamente, alguns procedimentos comuns que poderão ser seguidos.

    Para emitir a NF-e, é necessário informar nos campos próprios:

    1. 1. Como destinatário, o nome, o endereço e os números de inscrição estadual e no Cadastro Nacional de Pessoa Jurídica (CNPJ) do contribuinte ao qual se está efetuando a transferência;
    2. 2. Nas Informações Complementares do quadro “Dados Adicionais”, a expressão “Transferência de crédito acumulado de ICMS, nos termos (indicar o base legal da transferência)” e o valor, por extenso, do crédito transferido. No aplicativo gratuito emissor da NF-e, essa informação constará no campo “Informações Complementares de interesse do contribuinte” da aba “Informações Adicionais”;
    3. 3. No local destinado ao valor da operação do quadro “Cálculo do Imposto”, o valor do crédito acumulado transferido (no aplicativo gratuito de NF-e, esse valor será informado no Valor Total bruto). Nos demais campos, preencher com “0” (zero) para todos locais numéricos e obrigatórios nos quais não consta orientação específica - apenas um dígito “0” em cada, pois a NF-e trabalha com campo preenchido;
    4. 4. Como natureza da operação: “Transferência de Crédito Acumulado de ICMS”;
    5. 5. No campo “Finalidade de emissão” informar “NF-e de Ajuste”;
    6. 6. Os CFOP e CST serão os códigos 5.601/5.602 e 090, respectivamente;
    7. 7. A Nomenclatura Comum do MERCOSUL (NCM) será informada a expressão numérica “00”;
    8. 8. A “Descrição do Produto” será informada a expressão “Transferência de Crédito Acumulado de ICMS”;
    9. 9. A situação tributária do PIS e da COFINS será “Operação sem incidência da Contribuição; e
    10. 10. A “Modalidade do frete” indicar “Sem frete”.


    8. Código de Situação Tributária – informar “90”.Página 168 do Manual de Integração.


    transf. ICMS.jpg


    Na Nota Técnica 2013/005, ainda é informado que os campos 'pMVAST, pRedBCST e  vBCST' devem ser carregados no XML, e por se tratar de tranferência de crédito, os valores devem ser “zerados”.

    transf. ICMS.jpg

    Aplicando o imposto ICS3, consigo inserir zeros nos campos indicados acima. O problema é que a NF é rejeitada novamente só que com erro no campo vBCSTRet (Valor da BC do ICMS ST retido), pois ao zerar os campos acima acabo obrigatoriamente atribuindo zero ao campo vBCSTRet, fato que não deve ocorrer.

    Re: Database configuration meni item not available in CMC Admin UI


    Hello Asif,


    Can you run the attched code and check the status for a single report. It is for changing ODBC connectivity.

    I am able to run the same. I would check if I can have a similar environment to check the issue in there.

    Also does it happens only for a specific database connection?


    In the mean while,

    You can try to refresh the properties of the report after saving it.


    The method for it is IReport.refreshProperties()

    The method could be found from BusinessObjects Enterprise Platform SDKs API referrence avaiable at



    Once you change the report datasource and save the report, query the report again from the repository, cast the retrieved IInfoobject to IReport and use the refreshProperties() method for the report object. Then call the infostore.commit() method to commit the results. After performing the task check whether you are able to see the database configuration tab.




    Re: Need jQuery code assistant with SAPUI5 in Eclipse


    where is that section? can you send me than link?


    I'm new totally new in SAP.


    Thanks in advance

    Re: CMC page is downloading instead of opening


    Hi Prasanna,


    What do you mean by downloading? Didn't catch that part.


    Can you upload a screenshot or something?


    As I've never seen this with SAP BI4.1 CMC



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